Sunday, November 1, 2009

With the prickling of my thumbs, something wicked this way comes

So, I was all in an uproar last night because I didn't have a costume and couldn't make it to the party I had been planning on attending. My plan B was wanting to chill at home with scary movies in a witch hat & give out candy to dozens of kids in cute costumes. I went to 3 stores and everyone was out of witch hats. I was heartbroken! And I wasn't able to get horror movies, per say, however, I ended up with When A Stranger Calls (still creepy) and - a classic - Gremlins! :D I would've preferred something like The Shining, but I was content with what I got. Sans costume & in my plaid pjs, I handed out candy to the 5 trick or treaters that came to our door. Yes, I said 5. Another heartbreaking moment. Oh well, fun nonetheless.

I was bummed that I couldn't see the boys & Allie, but the troop came over this evening and we had the equivalent of an Easter Egg hunt with Halloween candy in my front yard lol. A good second. Allie is so adorable in her little Minnie Mouse get-up. She's obsessed about it! She walks around saying, "Where's Mimmie, where's Mimmie??". She so wins the cutest niece award.

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