Monday, November 2, 2009

Good day

Today was really good. I had a flippin awesome workout (2 hour cardio, 1 hour strength training :D), started another Nouveau class online, went shopping with Cassie and will spend the rest of the night reading.

Tonight, I was looking over a conversation that Pim & I had on FB chat at the end of September and it really made me miss him. He's such a good guy. He gets me and enjoys me for who I am, not who he wants me to be. I really like that. I need it. Heck, everyone does. He's simple and things with him are just so incredibly effortless. He's never confusing or irrational. He doesn't play Devil's Advocate - he truly cares about the people in his life. I've always been in awe at how self-less he is. It's pretty amazing. I can carry on meaningful conversations with him, talk about things of depth and substance; he has a brain that he employs (says a lot more than most guys). If I'm upset, talking to him always puts me at ease - everything makes sense. The world is set right again :) Come back to Idaho, Dutchboy!!

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