Friday, October 30, 2009

Rah, rah, rah

A glimpse of sunlight almost immediately turns to a nimbus nebulous. Dark cloud hovering over my head... was that a drop? He continues getting on my nerves. Insane, ridiculously typical male antics. And yet, it still doesn't matter. He's headed the same way that I am whether he likes it or not or even knows it. I don't think he does know - not yet. Amazing. In fact, I'm almost positive that he doesn't because I'm pretty freakin sure that he could not handle it. Hm.

Well, the weather matches my view on it. Not necessarily my mood, though, because despite it all, I'm feeling rather happy. I never fail to amuse myself. Maybe it's because I know the outcome. So the story itself almost doesn't matter. Intrigue. I can say that I believe I may have truly, finally, come to a level of acceptance with this whole thing. I think that's why I'm still in such a good mood right now, even considering all of his roller coaster behavior (and they say women are complex. I think his conduct exudes such an erratic pattern, he'd give any PMSing girl a run for her money). And even when I do have my moments of upset, I'll blame it on the weatherman ;)

Cassie continues insisting that I should, at the very least, keep a journal (she'd love it if I wrote a memoir one day). I mean a real journal, not blogging. With true details and explanations of my thought process and all. Wouldn't the world love to read that :p Then you'd all find out how truly crazy I think I am lol. I can't wait to reach the point where this all comes together.

I am super stoked for Halloween, though :D Yay for candy & costumes!!!