Sunday, November 29, 2009

Sandman, don't bring me a dream

I'm not sure whats been up with me lately, but I think I may be having some severe underlying issues. I haven't slept well in a month. I've never had problems sleeping and, while I slept a full 8 hours a night for a long time, in more recent years, I hadn't needed that much sleep. Until now. I'm having these insanely odd and very vivid dreams. I've never remembered my dreams as well as I have in the last few weeks. And they're always unsettling. Some are dangerous (for a while I kept dreaming about getting killed), most are chaotic, all are weird. Conspiracies, stalking, vampires, theft, wild animals attacking people, marrying strangers, getting accused of murder - all things I've dreamed about. I do not understand where this is coming from. It just started happening, out of the blue. The first night it happened, I brushed it off as weird and figured I'd be fine. Then it kept happening and now it's a regular thing. I can't figure out why, but it's really starting to effect me. I have to sleep longer (I've been over-sleeping more than I ever have), I toss and turn all night, wake up in the middle of the night and can't go back to sleep for a while. My body is sore because I can't get comfortable. And lately I've been waking up disoriented. My dreams seem so real that I have a hard time pulling myself out of them, even when I wake up.

There has to be a reason for this. I'm assuming I suddenly have some subconscious problem that my mind is just trying to work through or something. But, I don't know what it is. From a psychological stand point, I'm very curious as to what causes dreams and why we have them. I guess it's time to find out so I can finally rest well again.

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