Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Laura Madison, welcome to your life

Well, I've just about stopped doing anything with Madison Marketing. The online resources I have with my distributor are, indeed, extraordinary; however, their methods are all but desirable, not to mention what they charge now. I don't want to deal with it & I certainly don't want my clients to either. So, I'm pretty much closing it down and searching for other options now.
Things with Vector were going really well, but considering that I don't have transportation now, I can't really do that anymore. I'm tired of focusing on everything except what I really want to do - real estate. It has been for over a year. So, my plan is to work part time doing something clerical (maybe customer service; I'm also applying for a tech support job, 20 hours a week at $13/ hr = happy Laura :D ). I don't need anything elaborate, the reason being that I want to have time for Nouveau & REI, so I don't want something full time - just enough to pay my basic bills, which are pretty small anyway.
I have no idea how long it will really take me to get my feet off the ground with real estate, but honestly, I don't really care. Obviously, it would be great if it was quick, but real education isn't something that can be rushed. Learning to do things properly and legally is much more important. And, it's how I'll be more successful in the long term. Even if it takes me 5 months to finish 1 successful transaction, so be it. Plus, a comforting thought is that the first few deals are definitely the most challenging and tend to take more time than the average of what I'll do later anyway. Once I'm able to really take action, the ball will start to roll quicker and quicker.

Spiritually, things are getting better. I'm slowly climbing back to where I was before the Phoenix fiasco. I can't believe how much energy that whole thing has taken out of me & how much time it's taking to get back to where I was. I guess I took what I'd been given for granted a bit (completely inadvertently, of course, but still). I keep insisting that I'm not ready for the answers I've been given, but that obviously isn't true. We're never given anything that we can't handle. But, because I've been fighting the whole thing, it keeps dragging me down - in a major way. I can just feel negative energy flood through me when I think about it. So, then, I avoid thinking about it, only to realize when a problem arises that I've just basically been in denial. My goal now is to focus, one day at a time, on letting go and accepting everything, one step at a time. It's too overwhelming if I do it any other way. I've only found success when I fight my battles as they come, not from a what-if perspective. It's the only way I get peace.

On that note, nothing new from the lost boy. Conversations remain as empty as ever before. And why is it that guys BS so much and then, only when they realize that we're mad about something, they start buttering you up!?!? It's like, that's no excuse for you acting like a jackass. HELLO! Such density and from one whom so much is expected. I didn't put him here. That was not my doing - and yet I have to practically mother him. This is so far beyond ridiculous. Anyway... I could rant for hours if allowed. I'll start thinking of something good before I end up wasting the day on him.

Oh, here's good news! I bought socks :D I know, I know. Lame, right? Well, I seriously needed them lol. It's only getting colder out and I'm severely low on winter clothes. I so need a new coat & some boots as well. And pajamas. And a robe. I need a whole new wardrobe, I haven't bought anything in so long. Soon enough :)

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