Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Toys R Us Kid

I've decided that I don't really like being an adult. It's too hard. I don't like responsibility. I don't like having to suck it up and deal with things. I don't like being the bigger person. If I'm mad at you, I want to be able to tell you that I'm mad at you. If I need to scream, I want to be able to scream. I want to play. I want to smile and laugh and discover the unknown.
I watched 13 Going On 30 again recently - I had forgot how much I love it. I find it inspiring. I want to maintain my childish enthusiasm. I want to live spherically, in many directions. I want to forever be able to explore and hold the right to be curious and ridiculous.
Especially in relationships; so many women put themselves into the role of parent with their boyfriends/ husbands. Why? It just causes them to resent you and besides, you women know just as much as I do that it isn't fun to parent. Have fun! Live in Neverland, don't be afraid to be goofy, have snow ball fights and eat lots of candy. Get on a tire swing, swing as high as you can, close your eyes and pretend that you're flying. Remember what that was like? I miss that. I search for it every day. That feeling of discovery, with self and the world. The feeling of freedom, the belief that you can accomplish anything that you want to. President! Astronaut! Deep sea diver!

I reserve the right to be playful, fun and bubbly. If you must pout, don't do it around me.

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