Saturday, September 5, 2009

Saturdays should be more interesting than this...

I'm exhausted. Totally weird, too because I fell asleep last night at midnight & didn't wake up until 1pm. Ridiculous. Plus, I must have slept on my neck wrong because it's hurt all day & has caused a massive headache that has lasted several hours. Ow :( I had the strangest litany of dreams last night. I made out with Troy. Gross. I was staying with family and Wesley & Buttercup were visiting - extremely weird. Then, I was a duck. Yeah, a duck. Taking flying lessons. There was a lightening storm, then a yellow rubber ducky dating the ugly duck, then my ex was stealing food from a vending machine, some famous Asian chic watching TV, the scene from Peter Pan with the indian dudes and the tepee on the edge of a cliff, saving a princess... Does anyone else have dreams like this!?!? But hey, I'm extremely odd, so I suppose it all makes sense.

I scrubbed the entire house today, yay! I even dusted. Yes, that's right, dusted! I was pretty impressed myself. And I finally organized the cabinet in the laundry room :D

I talked to Fin tonight. That guy cracks me up. Married with 2 kids & he stills openly admits how much he loves hitting on me. It's like Rick all over again. Josh is asking about my love life, but I think more out of parental-type concern lol. Also, I saw Reeve on Thursday and the first thing he said to me was, "Are you married yet!?". Good grief.

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