Saturday, September 5, 2009

Don't ask me how I've been

I'm not the greatest song writer, so I love artists that have said it for me :) Yay Ok Go!

Quit acting so friendly.
Don't nod, don't laugh all nicely.
Don't think you'll up-end me.
Don't sigh, don't sip your iced-tea.
And don't say, 'It's been a while...'
And don't flash that stupid smile.

Don't ask me,
Don't ask me,
Don't ask me, ask me, ask me how I've been.

Don't think I've forgotten,
you never liked that necklace.
So cordial, so rotten...
Kiss, kiss, let's meet for breakfast.
Don't show up so on-time
And don't act like you're so kind.

Don't ask me,
Don't ask me,
Don't ask me, ask me, ask me how I've been.

So don't sit there and play just so frank,
So straight, so candid,
So thoughtful, so gracious,
So sound, so even-handed.
Don't be so damn benign
And don't waste my f***ing time.

Don't ask me,
Don't ask me,
Don't ask me, ask me, ask me how I've been.
Don't ask me how I've been.

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