Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Cell walls built by society,
With rules to adhere.
If you breach the acceptable,
You had better beware.

Hide the pain, carry on,
Routine is the key.
Don't let on that you're not,
What you're pretending to be.

Lock it all up inside you,
How badly that bodes.
Look out for that one day,
When it all just explodes.

Leaving naught but a shell,
Base functionality too.
But killing all else,
That was uniquely you.

So how do you grow,
With a time bomb inside?
Or how to defuse it,
Without destroying its ride?

You can't.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

I've been tagged

RULES: search Google images to match your answers, only use images from first 2 pages of your search.



PLACE I'D LIKE TO GO - Florence, Italy


FAVORITE ANIMAL - Newfoundlands :D

WHERE I WAS BORN - Boise, Idaho

PAST LOVE - This stuff was incredible, until they stopped making it :(

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Sandman, don't bring me a dream

I'm not sure whats been up with me lately, but I think I may be having some severe underlying issues. I haven't slept well in a month. I've never had problems sleeping and, while I slept a full 8 hours a night for a long time, in more recent years, I hadn't needed that much sleep. Until now. I'm having these insanely odd and very vivid dreams. I've never remembered my dreams as well as I have in the last few weeks. And they're always unsettling. Some are dangerous (for a while I kept dreaming about getting killed), most are chaotic, all are weird. Conspiracies, stalking, vampires, theft, wild animals attacking people, marrying strangers, getting accused of murder - all things I've dreamed about. I do not understand where this is coming from. It just started happening, out of the blue. The first night it happened, I brushed it off as weird and figured I'd be fine. Then it kept happening and now it's a regular thing. I can't figure out why, but it's really starting to effect me. I have to sleep longer (I've been over-sleeping more than I ever have), I toss and turn all night, wake up in the middle of the night and can't go back to sleep for a while. My body is sore because I can't get comfortable. And lately I've been waking up disoriented. My dreams seem so real that I have a hard time pulling myself out of them, even when I wake up.

There has to be a reason for this. I'm assuming I suddenly have some subconscious problem that my mind is just trying to work through or something. But, I don't know what it is. From a psychological stand point, I'm very curious as to what causes dreams and why we have them. I guess it's time to find out so I can finally rest well again.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Ridiculous insects

I can't take it anymore!! We've got like a dozen flies in our dining room. We were down to about 3 day before yesterday because Lori is phenomenal at killing them without a fly swatter (which apparently we don't have). But they're multiplying. Quickly. And they're much more aggressive than typical flies... slight movements do not frighten them and they have a tendency to land on our heads and just stay there. I have to wave my arms around like some standing-on-the-corner-religious-nut-case to get them to fly off and then they come right back again anyway. And what are they doing in here in November??? This is not the right season. Annoying :|

Monday, November 9, 2009

Britney Spears sucks

I'm so sick of her new song 3. I heard it in the radio for about 2 seconds before changing the station & yet, I have it stuck in my head. I didn't even know what it was about, so I googled the lyrics - yeah, bad idea. A threesome (and extremely derogatory as well because it talks about Peter, Paul & Mary, which I didn't think twice about at first; then a couple minutes later it hit me and I was disgusted :|). Completely perverse and blasphemous. I know she's pathetic on several levels, but this is just a new all time low. And annoying because I have it stuck in my head!!

Monday, November 2, 2009

Good day

Today was really good. I had a flippin awesome workout (2 hour cardio, 1 hour strength training :D), started another Nouveau class online, went shopping with Cassie and will spend the rest of the night reading.

Tonight, I was looking over a conversation that Pim & I had on FB chat at the end of September and it really made me miss him. He's such a good guy. He gets me and enjoys me for who I am, not who he wants me to be. I really like that. I need it. Heck, everyone does. He's simple and things with him are just so incredibly effortless. He's never confusing or irrational. He doesn't play Devil's Advocate - he truly cares about the people in his life. I've always been in awe at how self-less he is. It's pretty amazing. I can carry on meaningful conversations with him, talk about things of depth and substance; he has a brain that he employs (says a lot more than most guys). If I'm upset, talking to him always puts me at ease - everything makes sense. The world is set right again :) Come back to Idaho, Dutchboy!!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

With the prickling of my thumbs, something wicked this way comes

So, I was all in an uproar last night because I didn't have a costume and couldn't make it to the party I had been planning on attending. My plan B was wanting to chill at home with scary movies in a witch hat & give out candy to dozens of kids in cute costumes. I went to 3 stores and everyone was out of witch hats. I was heartbroken! And I wasn't able to get horror movies, per say, however, I ended up with When A Stranger Calls (still creepy) and - a classic - Gremlins! :D I would've preferred something like The Shining, but I was content with what I got. Sans costume & in my plaid pjs, I handed out candy to the 5 trick or treaters that came to our door. Yes, I said 5. Another heartbreaking moment. Oh well, fun nonetheless.

I was bummed that I couldn't see the boys & Allie, but the troop came over this evening and we had the equivalent of an Easter Egg hunt with Halloween candy in my front yard lol. A good second. Allie is so adorable in her little Minnie Mouse get-up. She's obsessed about it! She walks around saying, "Where's Mimmie, where's Mimmie??". She so wins the cutest niece award.